gmo toxic
By S.D. Wells
Dangerous gene-edited “Crispr” crops classified as GMO by EU – has all the U.S. biotech shills squirming like worms coated in pesticide
The GMO trolls at the New York Times are at it again, sowing “seeds of confusion” for the typical American consumer, who doesn’t even know what genetic engineering really means, much less gene editing “technology.” A recent European ruling has all the biotech shills throwing their usual temper tantrums, simply because gene editing has been […]
By S.D. Wells
Huffington Post shills for Monsanto, recommends consumers eat more pesticides
Eat your bug-killing corn and your weed-killing soy and shut up. That’s the ultimate message coming from the Bayer/Monsanto shills at “HuffPo” (Huffington Post) and the Environmental Protection Agency, the latter of which should be renamed the Environmental Promotion of Poisonous Pesticides Agency (EPPPA). Any food that doesn’t make you deathly sick the same day […]
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