News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
GMO apologist and BIOTECH SHILL Henry Miller whines and cries about the “Non-GMO” label on foods
Let’s say some American company was proud that they don’t have any sex offenders working under their roof, wouldn’t it be fair for them to announce it in their company news bulletin or website, in order to attract more reliable employees and give safeguard to their current ones? Or, let’s say some school district was […]
By S.D. Wells
Outlawed bread chemicals in Europe are somehow considered perfectly safe by FDA in the USA
Would you eat something from a container labeled “Explosives” or “Petroleum Products” or “Pesticides?” We didn’t think so, but you do, and probably daily, if you live in the United States and eat non-organic bread. You might as well be digging into one of those bio-hazard containers when you open that bread bag and grab […]
By S.D. Wells
Most “energy bars” are really just candy bars in gym clothing
So we’re not going to name any names or point any fingers on this one. Just want everyone to be on the lookout – big time. The buzzword “energy” is everywhere, being used and abused by Big Food. “Energy” drinks are usually loaded with caffeine, sucralose, and sugar, setting you up for a big drop […]
By S.D. Wells
Four Shades of Vegan
Everybody wants to be as healthy as possible, once you start down that path. What’s the healthiest way to go? Well, that’s up to you and your chemistry, biology, blood, genetics, and blah, blah, blah. How will you do it? Will you join a fad, or claim a cause, or donate your time and money […]
By S.D. Wells
CDC warns America DO NOT WASH that disease-infested, superbug-infected chicken you’re about to eat
Are you paranoid of germs? You should wash yourself well with hot, soapy water and take some Vitamin D. Are you paranoid of germs in your food? According to the CDC, never wash your raw meat or eggs before cooking, because those germs are very scary, and they can easily spread. So, you’ll want to […]
By S.D. Wells
Big Tobacco has brainwashed children for decades – preparing them to be smokers by selling candy smokes and “Big League Chew”
Many of our worst habits we learn from our parents, older siblings or wild friends growing up, but other crutches we simply pick up and adopt from sinister advertising that draws us in and tempts us with clever forms of “poisonous apples.” As if it wasn’t bad enough that doctors endorsed smoking for decades back […]
By S.D. Wells
RED MEAT and CANCER – more than just a “correlation”
Are you tired of mainstream media appealing to futility? We’ve all heard the saying a thousand times, “eat less red meat.” Yet, what if ALL the red meat is tainted and carcinogenic, because, in actuality, once you add those concentrated salts (nitrates) and cook it or smoke it, you’re inviting cancer cells to the “party” […]
By S.D. Wells
WHO KNEW? Eggs and meat both major catalysts of DIABETES
Over 100 million Americans right now suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes. This puts them at risk for amputations and even going blind. Have you been told by M.D.s or other know-it-alls, “Don’t eat anything that has sugar in it or turns to sugar in your body?” They remind you of the condition where there’s “too […]
By S.D. Wells
EVERY Kosher company should BAN GMO, since Bayer/Monsanto created the deadly gases of the Holocaust death chambers
So just how clean is Kosher food? Do we really know what that label means, besides separating milk from meat and excluding shellfish? What about artificial ingredients and GMOs? Big questions. We need answers. From a top list of “featured” brands and companies with the Kosher stamp of approval, we see Listerine, Post, Hunts, Tropicana, […]
By S.D. Wells
Dairy industry to DISAPPEAR in 10 years?
Times are changing fast. So are healthy eating and drinking trends. As Maple Leaf Foods is set to open the largest plant-based meat factory (costing $300 million) in North America, vegan food production rates are skyrocketing to meet the non-meat, non-dairy consumption demands. Even Haagen-Dazs is now marketing a rice-milk chocolate and fudge-swirled, non-dairy ice […]
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