News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
What food is next to be MUTATED on the GMO chopping block?
Do you eat mutated food daily? Every meal? Do you even have the right to know what’s in your food? It seems only normal that we should all know if there are pesticides in our food that kill bugs, choke weeds, cause asthma, cause psoriasis, and contribute to humans cells mutating into malignant ones. Most […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 places you’ll find DEADLY PESTICIDES in your food, beverages, medicine and personal care products that you never even thought about before: Part II
Special note to readers: If you missed Part I of this “Deadly Pesticides” article series, you can click here and read that first. Catch you right back here in a few minutes. There’s nothing the U.S. government and its chronic sick care industry hates more than a healthy person who knows the truth about clean food […]
By S.D. Wells
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, most people would understand how switching to vegetarian or vegan makes total sense
Could it be that eating meat is part of your dysfunctional relationship with nature? You love your bacon, salmon and rib eye steaks, but you’d never want to see your precious pet dog, cat, or bird treated like those farm animals are treated, as they’re abused, shot up with drugs, inhumanely slaughtered, and then attractively […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 places you’ll find DEADLY pesticides in your food, beverages, medicine and personal care products that you never even thought about before: Part I
Have you joined the “walk for dementia’s cure” group yet? What color ribbon should you wear for that, and to exactly which rich “administrative” executive will you donate your hard-earned money? Maybe you already joined, but forgot. That’s completely possible, given that you’re probably consuming deadly pesticides all day, and the cumulative effect is cancer, […]
By S.D. Wells
SLAUGHTER STATS: Americans eat 9 billion chickens every year, 100 million pigs and 35 million cows – How many are infected with disease?
More than 96 percent of all animals killed in the United States are used for food. Most of those animals are shot up with hormones and antibiotics while suffering from consuming only genetically modified “feed.” The meat, egg and dairy industries are infested with antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genetically modified virus strains that have no anecdotal […]
By S.D. Wells
Should Whole Foods rename their store “Canola Foods?”
Remember when “Organic Spies” videotaped Whole Foods employees lying about whether their store sold GMOs? Then YouTube censored the shocking “GMO Lies” video, because Whole Foods executives, and like those of YouTube, give money to GMO supporters and are huge financial backers of Monsanto. Why? Whole Foods sells plenty of Monsanto-produced GM foods to tens […]
By S.D. Wells
Swimming in HALF TRUTHS – American consumers are getting hoodwinked, even when they think they’ve got their health figured out
As the $100-billion-dollar-a-year organic industry flourishes worldwide, adding another $10 billion per year now, the “all natural” food myth dies, as people figure out how bad GMO and “conventional” American produce really is for the human body and mind. When the “other half” of the health-conscious consumers in this country figure out that “all natural” and “natural” don’t […]
By S.D. Wells
Whole Foods BANKRUPT by 2030?
Whole Foods is now reporting their sixth consecutive quarter of dwindling same-store sales and thus plans on closing at least nine stores, setting a new failure record for the monster “health” retailer. So much for those plans to expand from 470 stores to over 1,000, as Whole Foods reveals its worst performance, as a “whole” […]
By S.D. Wells
Caffeine, nicotine and processed sugar – What do they all have in common?
Feeling lethargic or depressed? Feeling anxious or stressed? Maybe you’re stuck in a rut without your favorite fix. Maybe you’re “crashing” from a “high” and the vicious cycle is inflicting the long-term effect on you. What can you do when you build up a tolerance to your crutch, go with harder drags off a stronger […]
By S.D. Wells
Top SEVEN cancer-causing chemicals in American food
Meet the 200,000,000 Americans who function like zombies every day of their shortened lives, while consuming the seven worst chemicals they don’t even know about, at every meal, for every snack, and in every beverage they buy. Do you believe the FDA and the CDC when they say there’s not enough of (insert any food chemical here) […]
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