News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The good, the bad and the ugly about factory farm eggs, including egg whites
Every day Americans eat a combined 200 million eggs, but most consumers would be shocked to find out what the corporate egg industry is hiding. Did you know that hens are genetically manipulated to lay far more eggs each year than they normally might? Instead of laying a dozen (naturally in the wild), they’re laying […]
By S.D. Wells
GOT FOOD OIL POISONING? Physician, author and researcher Dr. Chris A. Knobbe verifies processed oils are at the core of nearly all disease
Have you heard of food oil poisoning? It can wreck entire body systems and exacerbate any and all health issues you already have. It’s not like food poisoning where you get violently sick within 24 hours and vomit repeatedly. It’s a long term health catastrophe, and it’s embedded in the food supply, and that’s why […]
By S.D. Wells
You ARE what you eat, and canola oil makes you FAT and DUMB
All dementia cases have a concurring theme, where the specialized cells in the brain that process and transmit information using chemical and electrical signals are disrupted and dying. Entire networks break down as their connections are clotting and clogged up with plaques, leading to brain cell suicide, also known as brain atrophy. Once this becomes […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 things to AVOID to achieve healthy immune function
Most Americans are brainwashed into believing that the human body is born weak, stays weak and needs lots of lab-made medications and vaccines to continue functioning, year after year, from cradle to grave, but it’s all just one big fat lie. We see commercials for food, beverages, personal care products and medications almost everywhere we […]
By S.D. Wells
What do Covid-19 vaccines, canola oil and margarine have in common? They all clog your blood
When it comes to blood clots and coagulation, clotting factors are proteins found in the blood that work together to make a blood clot, to keep you from bleeding out. But what happens to humans when their blood clots unnaturally, where there is no cut, inside their blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: Most products labeled “Non-GMO” can still be grown with sewage sludge, antibiotics, growth hormones, hospital bio-waste, synthetic pesticides and Roundup
Millions of consumers around the world have been hoodwinked by the “Non-GMO” product label, and to this day, have no clue that the quality of the majority of those products is nothing even close to organic. The whole goal of eating healthy is to avoid foods that are contaminated, and that way you also get the […]
By S.D. Wells
The Biden one-burger-a-month plan to save Earth from global warming
Starting now, Americans are only permitted to eat one hamburger each, per month, in order to save the planet from burning up and burning us all alive. Instead of each American eating 10 burgers per month, we must all join forces and cut 9 of those 10 burgers out of our monthly eating habit, so […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 foods and beverages you probably had NO IDEA contain chemical pesticides
Are you eating pest killer food? Would you eat a plate of food if someone accidentally sprayed the whole dish with bug killer or weed killer? Are you one of those people who think there’s no cure for cancer, while you consume pesticides all day long? If you don’t want to die like a roach in […]
By S.D. Wells
Is the money you save buying GMO foods worth the price of cancer later in life?
Let’s take an inside look at just how much money you’re really saving on the food you buy that’s not organic or at least non-GMO certified. Then, we’ll compare those ‘savings’ to the co-pays for cancer treatments (if you even have coverage), loss of job time, hospital time, loss of time with your family, plus […]
By S.D. Wells
Federal court rules FDA’s fast-tracked GMO Salmon ILLEGAL due to environmental concerns
Time for supper kids! We’re having genetically mutated fish with hormone-laden tarter sauce, and a side of worm-killing Frankencorn. If every consumer really knew what GMO really meant, nobody would buy food made with them, and that’s why a court of law just rejected what the crooks at the FDA tried to ‘fast-track’ approve (like […]
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