News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
4 Things the CEO of Impossible Foods got wrong about GMO soy
As the Impossible Burger begins appearing on more and more menus around the U.S., the company behind it, Impossible Foods, has had to make a major change to keep up: the addition of GMO soy. To add insult to injury, the company’s CEO, Pat Brown, is trying to convince people this is somehow a positive […]
By Cassie B.
FINALLY: Researchers identify processed foods to be a CULPRIT when it comes to weight gain in “world-first” study
We know that eating processed food isn’t good for you, but much of the criticism has been tied to the clear links between the chemicals these foods contain and illnesses like cancer and diabetes. However, a new study in Cell Metabolism has finally concluded that an ultra-processed diet leads to weight gain as well. In […]
By Cassie B.
What’s the role of food when it comes to treating and preventing cancer? A big one, says research
Each year, a million people are diagnosed with colon cancer globally and half a million die from it. It’s a startling statistic, but there is a silver lining here: It also happens to be one type of cancer where diet can play a huge role in both prevention and treatment. While diet can contribute to […]
By Cassie B.
A massive backlash is building against fake meat products like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods
When it comes to foods that people miss most when giving up red meat for health reasons, burgers are firmly at the top of the list. That’s why some food companies have been putting so much effort into finding meatless alternatives. While products from Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods might look and taste like the […]
By Cassie B.
Raising farmed salmon means KILLING tons of wild fish to make fish food
Salmon might be an excellent choice of fish from a health standpoint, but what about its impact on the environment? Some experts say that if you’re eating the farmed variety, you might want to reconsider. A new 80-page report from Compassion in World Farming and the Changing Markets Foundation has warned that fishing to feed […]
By Cassie B.
Knowledge IS power: Teaching teens about junk food promotes healthy eating habits
What if getting your teens to eat healthier was as easy as teaching them more about junk food and its marketing tactics? If you’re thinking that would never work, think again: A new study has shown that educating teens about junk food and how ads influence them can cut their junk food buying habits by as […]
By Cassie B.
The REAL reason why you shouldn’t eat fried foods: It triggers cancer cells
People who are watching their weight often avoid fried foods because of their high calorie count, but there’s a far more compelling reason that everyone should steer clear of such foods: Research shows they can trigger cancer cells. The problem arises when the vegetable oil that is used for frying food is later reheated to […]
By Cassie B.
Ladies, drop the diet soda: It increases the risk of stroke and heart disease
If you’ve been choosing diet soda over the regular varieties out of health concerns, listen up: Diet soda is just as bad for you, and it’s especially dangerous if you’re a woman. If you ever indulge in soft drinks, there’s a new study you simply can’t afford to ignore. The eye-opening study was published in […]
By Cassie B.
Most packaged food in American grocery stores is ultra-processed, study shows
It’s not hard to understand why obesity and related problems like diabetes continue to climb in America when you take a look at the food we’re being sold. Any American who has ever stepped foot in a supermarket abroad can tell you there’s quite a big difference in what is being sold, with one of […]
By Cassie B.
Children exposed to pesticides have increased risk of autism
In the biggest epidemiological study to date on the link between pesticide exposure and autism, researchers have discovered that children who are exposed to pesticides both in the womb and in their early years have a higher chance of developing the condition. The increased risk in question is not a small one. In fact, pregnant […]
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