News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Fight or flight: Why stress makes you crave carbs
When you’ve had a bad day, how often do you reward yourself with something chocolatey or a big bag of chips? It might sound like a rom-com cliché, but the urge for carbs can be quite strong when we’re under stress – and there’s a perfectly good scientific explanation for these cravings. According to brain […]
By Cassie B.
Buyer beware: Your fruit juices may be FULL of heavy metals
If you’ve been filling up your children’s glasses with juice, happy in the knowledge that they’re consuming fruit somehow, you might want to hear about a new study that uncovered a hidden danger in these drinks. If the sugar content didn’t already put you off, the discovery of alarmingly high levels of heavy metals in […]
By Cassie B.
Now Big Ag is trying to own the REST of your food: Syngenta claims they invented non-GMO tomatoes
Have you ever thought about where tomatoes come from? A quick internet search might tell you that they’ve been around since the time of the Aztecs, who ate them in ancient Mesoamerica as far back as 700 A.D. But that’s not what Swiss agrochemical giant company Syngenta would like people to believe. In fact, they’ve […]
By Cassie B.
Toxic ingredients and food additives can increase your blood pressure: Avoid these foods if you have hypertension
If you’ve got high blood pressure, conventional wisdom says to watch your salt intake. This advice has many people reducing the salt they add to dishes while cooking and eating. However, a few sprinkles of salt at the table aren’t going to make much difference if the dish you’re eating is unfriendly to hypertension in […]
By Cassie B.
From bad to worse: Diet drinks will wreck your health, and the damage they do gets worse as you get older
Choosing “diet” beverages might help you keep your calorie counts down, but your health problems will start to add up pretty significantly if you drink them on a regular basis. A recent study looked into the effects that consuming diet drinks – which are any beverages that have been sweetened with artificial sugar substitutes – […]
By Cassie B.
Another reason to avoid processed food: Additives such as emulsifiers and thickeners could be compromising your gut health
Emulsifiers are often used to thicken foods and give them a more desirable texture. Although some are synthetic, many are natural and are added to food geared toward health-conscious shoppers. Many of these are considered “generally regarded as safe” by the FDA, but that does not mean there are no side effects associated with them. […]
By Cassie B.
GMOs are killing us: Facts you probably don’t know
You’ve probably heard that GMOs are bad, and that’s absolutely accurate – but it’s also an oversimplification. It’s not like high fructose corn syrup, a toxic ingredient that you can easily avoid by not purchasing foods that are made with it. The problem is far more complex and insidious, and it’s killing people and animals […]
By Cassie B.
Switching to an organic diet causes your pesticide levels to drop surprisingly quickly
Why did you make the switch to organic? If you’re like many people, one of your biggest motivators was likely avoiding toxic pesticides. Of course, you can’t actually see the pesticides on the fruits and vegetables you consume, so you might wonder sometimes if this often-expensive choice is actually paying off in terms of your […]
By Cassie B.
New study confirms: Junk food takes YEARS off your life
It’s hard to keep track of all the ways that the wrong foods can compromise your health. For example, eating nitrates is linked to colorectal cancer, but how can you tell which foods contain these chemicals? Sugar is bad no matter how you look at it, but aren’t artificial sweeteners even worse? You can’t bring […]
By Cassie B.
Detrimental to gut health, metabolism, blood sugar: Research reveals the toxic effects of sucralose
When it comes to good health, there aren’t really any shortcuts. Sugar is bad, and if you think you’re doing your body or your weight any favors by using sugar substitutes, you could be in for a very unpleasant surprise once all of their negative health effects catch up to you. Even one of the […]
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